About ITS
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) improves transportation safety and mobility and enhances American productivity through the integration of advanced communications technologies into the transportation infrastructure and in vehicles. ITS encompass a broad range of wireless and wire line communications based information and electronics technologies. The National ITS Architecture defines the following primary goals and metrics for ITS:
Increase transportation system efficiency,
Enhance mobility,
Improve safety,
Reduce fuel consumption and environmental cost,
Increase economic productivity, and
Create an environment for an ITS market.
The City of Springfield and MoDOT has an Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) – which is a primary subfield within the ITS domain. The Springfield/MoDOT ATMS system includes a 911 ComputerAided Dispatch (CAD) system interface, a Fiber Optic Network connected to a closed circuit realtime traffic monitoring camera system, dynamic message signs (DMS’s), and traffic detection/speed sensor stations that are deployed along both freeways and arterials in and around the Springfield region.
Realtime traffic data from the 911 CAD interface, traffic cameras, and speed sensors flows into the Transportation Management Center (TMC) of the Ozarks where it is integrated and processed (e.g. for incident detection), and may result in actions taken such as traffic rerouting, DMS messages, and live Ozarkstraffic.info updates with the goal of improving traffic flow. Operators at the TMC also relay this valuable traffic information to 911 operators who dispatch emergency response personnel to the scene.
For more information about ITS, please see the U.S. Department of Transportation – Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) website. RITA coordinates the U.S. Department of Transportation's research and education programs, and is working to bring advanced technologies into the transportation system. RITA also offers vital transportation statistics and analysis, and supports national efforts to improve education and training in transportationrelated fields. RITA works to ensure that the nation's transportation research investments produce results for the American people.