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Springfield's Transportation Management Center (TMC) was established in 1998 by the City of Springfield and Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT). City and State personnel work side-by-side at the TMC coordinating traffic flow in the metro area. The Springfield Transportation Management Center was highlighted in the U.S. Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration publication (FHWA-HRC-MW-99-01) Intelligent Transportation Systems in the Heartland.

Within the TMC, city and state personnel utilize the citywide computerized traffic signal system, closed-circuit real-time traffic monitoring camera system, 911 CAD system interface, and other useful equipment to address changes in traffic flow patterns and respond to incidents that occur throughout the transportation system. Using the 911 CAD interface and the traffic cameras, TMC operators can identify traffic related incidents and monitor the flow of traffic along major arterials throughout the city. When incidents such as crashes or stalled vehicles occur, TMC operators can relay valuable information to 911 operators who dispatch emergency response personnel to the scene. TMC operators can also modify the traffic signal programming, if necessary, in an effort to alleviate the impact of such incidents to the flow of traffic.

The development of the Transportation Management Center and citywide computerized traffic signal system has enabled both agencies to provide a seamless system across multiple jurisdictional boundaries to improve travel times and reduce stops, overall delay, and fuel consumption throughout the community.

You may contact the TMC by phone at 864-1160. TMC staff is on duty weekdays from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.


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